

Finding the sunshine again in my life.
Recognizing that my mood is directly related to how much rest I get.
Trying to actually make my self a priority.  Setting parameters and saying no.
Loving others starts with loving myself.
Simple lessons that I've known but not always put in practice.
I'm so thankful for the struggles...they've made me recognize the good things all around.
The perfection in the imperfections. 
The simplicity of complexity.
Strength that comes in the broken places.
I have no control over what others say or do...only how I chose to respond and how I let it affect me.
And, I chose love.
There is absolutely no absolutes.
Each one of us screws it up royally...and yet, we have the capacity to make a different choice the next time.
Isn't that amazing.
I stand in awe of the rugged beauty all around, and happiness softly remains..